Be Update Jan 21

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Hello and Happy 2021 - wishing you all a wonderful new year!


This new year brings hope and excitement as we celebrate both our 10th birthday and the graduation of our amazing 2020 Be. Leadership programme participants.  We are also announcing some fantastic changes to our internship programme criteria, meaning even more people are now eligible to apply.


Plus, we have some great ways to help you make the most of summer. This month we share accessible day out ideas and share some very useful tips for businesses who want to improve their accessibility around the America’s Cup.



Celebrating the Graduation of our 2020 Be. Leadership cohort


In November last year we were due to celebrate an important milestone for us: the Graduation of our 2020 Be. Leadership cohort, a decade of possibility leadership, 10 years of our Be. Leadership programme and 150 Be. alumni. Sadly this event had to be postponed, but we were so excited to be able to celebrate with Be. Whanau and family last weekend.


We want to send the biggest congratulations to this year’s 12 fabulous Be. Leadership participants. They’ve truly shown how adaptable and resilient during a year of major uncertainty and interruption, and we’re so proud of them.


Read Lesley and Philip’s letter to the 2020 Cohort- (link to blog “Celebrating 10 years of Possibility leadership.”)


We also announced at the graduation ceremony that this year's group will be the last to graduate from the current Be. Leadership programme. Don’t worry though, it’s not the end! A new programme is in development and we’ll share more information with you in February.



Looking for excellent places to visit this summer? 

 This month we’re celebrating some of the amazing tourist attractions we've been working with through our One-Stop Shop. We’re blown away by some of the changes they’ve made to  improve their accessibility.  Our new blog showcases some of New Zealand’s top accessible tourist attractions.


Plan your days out > (Link to accessible attractions blog)



Our New Internship Programme


Our talent team is very excited to let you know about an extension offering in our Internship programme. We now have a non-tertiary option open to access citizens aged between 16 and 29.


This is a great opportunity to gain paid work experience for up to 16 weeks in your chosen industry, with the aim of enabling participants to obtain permanent employment opportunities in the future. 


If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this, or you are an employer interested in providing an internship opportunity, please get in touch with us.  


Talk to us today > (link to )


Accessibility at the America’s Cup - our top tips for businesses


What if New Zealand became the most accessible tourist destination in the world? That’s the conversation we started ten years ago in 2011, launching our organisation  alongside the Rugby World Cup. Our first ever project focused on ensuring that the thousands of visitors who attended the RWC would have the most accessible experience possible.

Flash forward 10 years and as the lead-up to the America's Cup continues, we are continuing this conversation. We’re delighted to be working with Auckland Unlimited tohelp businesses provide an accessible experience to customers with access needs. 

Discover our tips for businesses here > (blog link)




Whether it's a trip to the America’s Cup or a day out with family and friends, have a wonderful time and enjoy the summer. We’ll be sharing more news about our 10th birthday celebration next month!

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