ADL Strategic Review letter

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Good morning,  

Auckland Disability Law is pleased to share our draft Strategic Plan with you, which is attached in word version, EasyRead and NZSL. We would like to invite you to participate in a consultation on this draft Strategic Plan. We hope this will help us make decisions about the direction of ADL as a Disability Law Centre for the next five years.

I’m inviting all members and stakeholders of ADL to contribute to this conversation. It’s important that we work together to build a plan that will help us align with where you all think we should be going.

ADL wants your input so please take a look at the attached document and let me know whether you think it’s on track or not. In particular we would value your feedback on the following questions:

  • What are your views on our overall direction?
  • What are your views on ADL becoming a National Disability Community Law Centre?
  • Do you have any other comments that you want to make about our draft Strategic Plan?

You can email your feedback to Alternatively for Deaf people, if you would like to give your feedback in NZSL, please record it directly into

These questions are also available in the below link:

Of course, there are a few things that won’t change from this draft – we’ll still be focussed on providing high quality legal services, legal education and undertaking law reform work.

In addition to reviewing the document, we are holding a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 7 June 2023 at 6pm to 7:30pm (please click this link to join the meeting: so we can discuss what direction you think ADL should be heading in over the next five years. We will have NZSL interpreters on the Zoom meeting. If there are any matters specifically on your mind that would benefit from some extra discussion time during this Zoom meeting, please let me know.

If Zoom isn’t right for you, and you would like to talk to me about this draft ADL Strategic Plan, please email me or ring me on 09 257 5140 to let me know and I will make alternative arrangements in order to discuss your feedback.

Ngā mihi




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