Be Update Nov 2023

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Welcome to our November newsletter! We have had such a busy year connecting with many individuals and organisations, across many different sectors, all of whom care about accessibility and diversity and inclusion.

We are so encouraged to see that as we start to recover after these years of lockdowns and economic downturn, people care about this important kaupapa as much as ever!

We’ve been connecting with the organisations we’ve worked with since Be. Accessible was founded in 2011 to let them know about our exciting new engagement models. There’s lots of goodwill and enthusiasm for this mahi, however many businesses are telling us that budgets are reduced.

With this in mind, we’ve developed a new tool which we think will really benefit small to medium businesses who are wanting to start on their accessibility journey, but don’t have a big budget to do so- the Be. Starter package.

And in this newsletter we’re really excited to share how we’ve worked with Golf New Zealand to bespoke this tool to make it relevant for their specific industry, so that they can work on getting their close to 400 clubs engaged on this journey of valuing accessibility, and also to achieve their mission to make Golf the most accessible sport in Aotearoa.

We’ve also been working on our free tools for businesses, to help support you all to make accessibility improvements for no cost, which you can find on our business toolkit page. We’re also sharing some interesting case studies to illustrate some of the great work that is being done, and some of the different ways that we can work with businesses, using a mix of our ready made, and bespoke programmes.

We’re also delighted to announce that over the past month we have welcomed 3 fantastic new members to the Be. Board and another 3 fabulous new members to our Be. Team. You can find out more about them over on the “Our People” page of our website.

Please get in touch if you’d like to learn more about any of these programmes, and discuss how we can support you to achieve your accessibility goals.


Link 1: Be. Starter Package-

Link 2: Golf NZ- bespoke Be. Starter-

Link 3: Case Studies-

Link 4: New Board Members and Be. Team Members -

Public Information in NZSL

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