Be Update July 2021

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The Latest News from Be. Lab
Hello! And welcome to our July Be. Lab Update. We’re halfway through 2021
already, and this month marks the Maori New Year or Matariki. We love that
this important calendar event signifies new beginnings, and (while we are
aware of the challenges in this COVID landscape) we’re excited for what the
rest of 2021 will bring.
At the beginning of this year we released the Be. Institute 10 year Impact
Report. We are delighted to now present a summary report in te reo Māori.
We are excited to share with you some changes to our Be. Lab website, outlining
some exciting new Leadership and Culture offerings for businesses wishing to
continue their journey towards a 100% accessible culture.
We have a new blog over on our website about an Accessibility Breakfast that we
co-hosted with Westpac NZ, and another blog outlining the opportunity for New
Zealand in embracing the opportunity presented by the Access Market. As our
founder Minnie B. has put it "By making accessibility a priority, businesses will
better serve access citizens and their bottom line.
And we have another awesome free resource for business on ensuring your
work meetings are accessible for all.
We hope you enjoy reading!
Team Be. Lab
Ten-year report summary in te reo Maori
Ten years ago, we set out to create an accessibility and social change agency
with a vision for Aotearoa to become the most accessible country in the world.
This ten-year report looks back at what has been achieved over the past
The Be. Institute is a New Zealand social change story in which each and
every one of you plays an important part. As we look towards the next ten
years, we hope that you will continue to stand with us as we challenge the
status quo and continue to reimagine more innovative and more accessible
futures where every individual can thrive.
We are delighted to present this report now in Te Reo Maori, as well as NZSL and in
English in PDF and accessible word document format.
(Image- Te Reo Report Summary)
Our lastest news, and free resources for business
Unlocking the Benefits of Accessibility with Be. Lab, Westpac New Zealand
and the Global Centre of Possibility
Last week we co-hosted a breakfast with Westpac NZ celebrating the benefits that
Accessibility brings to New Zealand businesses. Westpac acting CEO Simon Power
spoke about Westpac’s commitment to accessibility, including employing diverse
talent through our Tertiary Internship Programme.
Be. Lab founder Minnie Baragwanath also spoke about the social and economic
benefits of accessibility and challenged all New Zealand Businesses to ask, what
more can we do here?
Read more about this fantastic event over on our blog:
(Image- Team Final)
Understanding the opportunity of the Access Economy
We know that a commitment to accessibility is good for business,
as consumers are increasingly favouring values-led brands. But people with
access needs are consumers too – and there are a lot of them. The market
opportunity is enormous, and it’s not currently being capitalised. A better
understanding of the access citizen is crucial for businesses wanting to serve
these consumers. Learn more on our website:
Making Work Meetings accessible for all
Everyone has their own needs in order to fully participate in work meetings.
Meeting these needs is partly about practicalities, but also about good
practise. Ensuring everyone feels welcomed and included is crucial in enabling
everyone to fully engage.
Find out more about creating a welcoming and accessible work meeting environment
on our blog:
Our new Be. Lab Offerings
We have updated our website to include a full list of Be. Lab offerings, including new
leadership and culture workshops. Find out more on our website:

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