Be Update July 2020

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July update from Be. Lab

This month we're focusing in on two big topics that are crucial for helping businesses and communities to thrive in challenging economic times: employment and digital accessibility. 

Continue reading below for some news highlights on these topics and discover how you can embrace accessibility to unlock greater potential in your people, your business, and your community. 

Access employees are key to business resilience

"Those businesses fortunate enough to be in a position to retain and recruit staff post-COVID must be highly skills-focused" writes Minnie Baragwanath in this latest opinion piece for Management magazine

"Valuable employees will be adaptable, agile, and persistent problem-solvers, and the often-overlooked access community fits this bill."

An Accenture study in 2018 found that the most inclusive working environments for access employees achieved higher revenues, greater economic profit margins, and twice the net income of their industry peers.

If you're keen to give your business a boost, get in touch with Be. Lab's Talent & Employment team today to access this pool of talented candidates who have the skillset and attitudes that 21st century workplaces need.
"Be. Lab did an excellent job of vetting candidates, accurately matching their skillset, and thoroughly preparing both the candidate and our firm to ensure a mutually beneficial outcome for both."

Kelly Larsen
Meredith Connell
Is the digital revolution leaving access citizens behind?

How many of us would be prepared to wait 25 years to get our computer fixed? For a largely silent underclass in our society, being stuck with inoperable or insufficient technology for their needs is a shocking reality.

This month, Minnie shone a light on some of the shortcomings of the digital revolution for access citizens in this opinion piece for Stuff and in this interview with Radio New Zealand.

The good news is that we are working closely with partners like Microsoft and Tech Week 2020 to bring more awareness to this issue and find solutions - watch this space! 

Our Be. Lab team is also on hand to help you understand how accessible your businesses' technology is - so get in touch today to find out more.
Your virtual accessibility partner

Be. Lab is the One Stop Shop for accessibility for all New Zealand businesses and organisations. If you have any questions about our services or how to get started with accessibility, we would love to hear from you. Give us a call on 09 309 8966 or email us on

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